Hailing from Paradise Valley, Ariz., Ricky Ortiz stands at 6-foot-3 and weighs 246-pounds. He emerged in the Land of the Extreme as part of ECW General Manager Theodore Long’s “New Superstar Initiative” and immediately got off to a very impressive start with his victory over Armando Estrada.
Ortiz grew up in a household that cultivated the necessary skills essential to any WWE Superstar. A third-generation football player, it was his father who served as his main inspiration, grooming Ricky with a charismatic combination of unorthodox parenting and a tremendous passion for life. As a result, Ortiz learned self-reliance, courageousness and a tremendous enthusiasm for athletics in general.
From an early age, Ortiz also found a remarkable fascination with WWE, where he was drawn to the larger than life Superstars, most notably "Superstar" Billy Graham.
Ortiz is looking to be the best Superstar he can be both individually and as part of what he considers the WWE team. Hoping to emulate those that showed him the way, he looks to develop a career based on solid character and effort.