Edge thinks he just sooooo clever. The Ultimate Opportunist thought he had outsmarted his tag team opponents, WWE Champion John Cena & Randy Orton, by hammering The Viper’s shoulder in an ambush prior to the match. Instead of forfeit, The Champ chose a new partner, Evan Bourne, to team with him against Edge & Sheamus.
As anyone who’s ever faced Bourne knows, his athleticism and fearlessness make him an unpredictable foe. Once in the match, the intrepid Bourne refused to give up, kicking out of several near pinfalls.
When Bourne was able to contact his partner, The Champ rushed in and targeted his Irish antagonist. After a powerful back and forth, Cena tossed Sheamus from atop his shoulders and tagged in "Air" Bourne, who landed a devastating Shooting Star Press and covered the Irishman for the victory.